SPOT on ülesfilmitud peoseeria, mille eesmärgiks on spotlight andekate DJ-de ja produtsentide peale panna.
Sellekordsel SPOTil astuvad üles SHA, keda on näha ka eelmisest videost ja eizen. Lisaks mängib veel Fayro.
SHA: “Mulle on viimasel ajal järjest tõsisemalt hakanud meeldima afro house mixide produmine ehk oodata võib sarnast shamazing vaibi nagu eelmine kord. Kuid seekord on trummid täiesti teistel tasemetel.”
eizen: “Mu favoriidid on hetkel Rüfüs Du Sol ja Fred Again.. for sure. Seda vaibi ma võikski produma jääda. Danielle ja Innerbloom on mu jaoks aegumatud.”
Viimase SPOTi leiad siit, et natuke teada mida oodata:
FB going kuni 00 - 7€
Tavapilet - 12€
Priority - 25€
Meet you at the SPOT!
SPOT is a visually recorded event series where the goal is to give spotlight to the talented DJs and producers.
This time we have playing SHA, ehk you can see from the last video and eizen.
Additionally we have Fayro playing.
SHA: “I’ve recently gotten seriously into producing afro house mixes, so be expecting the similar shamazing vibe from last time. Only this time the drums are on whole different levels.”
eizen: “My favorites at the time are Rüfüs Du Sol and Fred Again.. for sure. That’s the vibe I could keep producing. Danielle and Innerbloom are just timeless.”
You can find the last SPOT here, so you’d know what to expect:
FB going until 00 - 7€
Regular - 12€
Priority - 25€
Meet you at the SPOT!